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{Wednesday, March 19, 2003}

posted by Trevor 12:11 PM

{Monday, March 17, 2003}

posted by Trevor 12:39 PM
Go conformity!

I'm not usually one to do something just because everyone else is doing it but blogs seem like a lot of fun... plus it's a good excuse for me to put off doing work for a little while longer. :P

As I've mentioned before to Granger, my life isn't exactly the most riveting thing to write about so it'll probably be a test of my creative abilities to keep this an entertaing and worthwhile read. That's not to say that my life is boring. I've got lots of people in my life whom mean a lot to me (and whom I assume I mean a lot to) and most of the time I'm having fun. It's just not necessarily the kind of fun that makes for an interesting story.

As I've mentioned before to Granger, my life isn't exactly the most riveting thing to write about so it'll probably be a test of my creative abilities to keep this an entertaing and worthwhile read. That's not to say that my life is boring. I've got lots of people in my life whom mean a lot to me (and whom I assume I mean a lot to) and most of the time I'm having fun. It's just not necessarily the kind of fun that makes for an interesting story.

Will The Quilted Porcupine succeed in his goal?

Or is he just too lazy?

Tune in tomorrow.

Same Quilted Time.

Same Quilted URL.

posted by Trevor 6:47 AM
